Waste-to-Energy Investing

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted November 27, 2013

The best part about my job is access to new “toys.”

In my line of work, I get to research and “try out” all kinds of new products and services…

I was actually one of the first to test-drive Tesla’s kick-ass Roadster and the Model S.

I’ve had the pleasure of climbing to the top of a massive 1.5 MW wind turbine in the Tehachapi Pass, and I’ve joined solar installers on the roofs of suburbia, popping those suckers into place on a crisp fall afternoon.

I’ve toured state-of-the-art fracking operations in Pennsylvania, watched engineers test oil spill cleanup technology in Maryland, and stood firmly on shaking Idaho ground where I watched in awe the power of a geothermal well being exposed to a small group of investors — a well that today is actually the backbone of the Gem State’s first geothermal power plant.

Truth is, while getting in early on a lot of these investment opportunities is the icing on the cake, I really do love nothing more than discovering new technologies that will ultimately change the world.

And I want to share a new one with you today…

The Sweet Smell of Progress

This may not be something you’ll want to discuss at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, but I assure you this is a technology worthy of your attention.

At this very moment, there are about 1,100 Terawatt hours of energy stored in our wastewater. That’s enough to power about 275 million homes for an entire year.

A company called Pilus Energy has figured out a way to extract that energy by using bacterial robots.

You read that correctly: bacterial robots.

Here’s how they work…

The robots, which are essentially genetically enhanced bacteria, are housed in a fuel cell. The waste goes in one end where the robots metabolize all the organic material, releasing electrons and hydrogen ions or protons in the process.

The electrons travel outside the fuel cell to provide us with power… and return to the other side of the fuel cell to meet up with the protons to create water, methane, or isoprene, which can then be used to create synthetic rubber.

Insanely Profitable

A similar technology to this may be found in anaerobic digesters. These are systems that break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen and serve as a feedstock for biogas.

However, these bacterial robots (or bactobots) are 18 times more efficient than conventional fermentation and digestion technologies. As well, they don’t require massive lagoons of waste, which can typically be found near farms that utilize this kind of technology.

Also worth noting is that these bacterial robots are protected from theft and cloning. If a consumable non-polluting molecular key is not present in the wastewater or feedstock, the robots self-destruct starting with their DNA and RNA. This also serves as a high level of security against accidental release into the environment.

All in all, this is fascinating technology. It further showcases the major advances we’re seeing in robotic sciences today.

Of course, beyond fascinating, it’s also insanely profitable. And ultimately, this is why we’re sharing this information with you today.

Although Pilus Energy is not public, there’s still plenty of opportunity in robotics…

From next-generation oil production to military applications to manufacturing, the age of robots is upon is.

Only a fool would sit on the sidelines while these robot companies are blowing the doors off.

Read more about our top three robot stocks for 2014.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.

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